Though the primary purpose of the Oberlin Public Library meeting rooms is to provide facilities for library-sponsored activities, the library welcomes the use of meeting rooms by other non-profit groups. The Board of Trustees of the Oberlin Public Library does reserve the right to restrict facilities usage to groups and organizations directly or indirectly related to the library mission. The needs of the library shall always take precedence.
When library meeting rooms are not being used for their primary purposes, they are available for programs or meetings presented by community groups whose primary purpose must be educational, cultural, or civic. Worship Services, partisan political programs, and private social events are not permitted.
No admission fees may be charged, nor donations accepted for meetings or programs held in any library meeting room; however, library- sponsored classes may charge a materials fee, and Lorain County educational institutions may charge tuition fees for classes. The sale of merchandise or services or programs given for the purpose of solicitation are not permitted without the express written consent of the Director. Smoking or the use of any tobacco products in any form or the consumption of alcoholic beverages on library premises, is prohibited.
Membership-only meetings are permitted; however, programs which are advertised publicly must be open to all. A person’s right to attend any open meeting or program may not be denied or abridged because of his/her origin, age, background, sex, orientation, or views.
Meeting rooms may be available for private groups’ meetings or conferences, and for volunteer individualized tutoring; however, all rooms must remain accessible to staff at all times.
An adult leader shall be present at all times and responsible for the supervision of any group(s) of children under age 18 years using any meeting room(s).
Rules for booking and use
- Rooms must be booked in advance. Applications for the use of meeting rooms may be made up to 90 days in advance. All applications are subject to approval of the Library Director. The library cannot guarantee that a room will be available at the time requested. Prompt notice of cancellation is appreciated.
- The name, address, electronic mailboxes, or telephone number of the Oberlin Public Library may not be used as the official address or headquarters of an organization other than the Friends of Oberlin Public Library.
- No meeting room shall be used by a non-library group in such a way as to imply library sponsorship of the group’s activities without the express written consent of the library.
- Use of the meeting rooms is free during regular library hours. No meeting other than those sponsored or co-sponsored by the library may be held on days the library is normally closed. The Craft Room and Owen Room may not be used when the library is closed to the public and must be vacated fifteen minutes before closing. The fee for use of meeting rooms outside operation hours is $20.00 per hour for no more than 2 hours. There is a nonrefundable fee of $10.00 for use of the kitchen. All special arrangements and fee payments must be made at least 3 days prior to the date of the event.
- The individual filing application to use a meeting room must agree to assume full responsibility for any damage to the facility or equipment which may occur as a result of the use of the facility or equipment by the group.
- Library audio-visual equipment is available only upon prior reservation to groups having an experienced operator.
- The Library Board and staff do not assume any liability for groups or individuals attending meetings or programs in the library.
- Groups using the main meeting room must consist of at least five (5) individuals; maximum attendance in the main meeting room is limited by the Fire Marshall to 100.
- An attendance count must be recorded on the attendance roster on the door at at the close of the meeting.
- The library reserves the right to deny use of the facilities to any organization or individual which/who has abused its/his/her privileges. The Library also reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any meeting. Advance notice of such cancellation or rescheduling will be attempted but is not guaranteed.
- The library will attempt to resolve mistakes or misunderstandings regarding bookings of rooms or conflicting dates.
- Each person will be given a copy of the Oberlin Public Library Meeting Room Guidelines to read, if he/she has not already done so.
- Reservations are not final without the Director’s approval. And confirmation by phone or email.